
May 6, 2019
McLanahan launched their UltraWASH modular wash plant at bauma in Munich, Germany April 8-14. Team members were on hand during the show to provide information on the next generation of McLanahan's modular washing plants, 并回答参观者关于UltraWASH的问题.

以下是一些游客最常被问到的问题的答案 UltraWASH during bauma. 

Does it wash gold?

这可能是收到的关于UltraWASH最常见的问题. 答案是否定的,UltraWASH不能洗黄金. 它清洗和分类多达三种骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和两种砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

However, 尽管UltraWASH并不是用来洗黄金的, 这并不意味着它不可能被用于这样的目的. 浆纱机后加金水槽, UltraWASH确实可以在黄金洗涤应用中发挥作用. Please contact us for more information if interested in adding our equipment to your gold washing application.  

How does it work?

物料被倾倒到UltraWASH进料输送机的料斗中. 任何尺寸过大的物料都立即被覆盖在料斗上的光栅除去. 物料从料斗中被拉出,并沿进料输送机向上输送, 在那里,它与水结合,进入一个饲料箱和一个 sizing screen.  

施胶筛分为三层. The largest material (typically 40mm x 20mm) passes over the top deck of the sizing screen, while the mid-size aggregate (20mm x 10mm) is captured on the second deck of the screen and the fine aggregate (10mm x 5mm) is captured on the third deck. 小于5mm的颗粒(砂)通过筛网的第三层. 当物料沿筛面流下时,喷雾条将物料冲洗干净. 

Each of the sizing screen deck’s “overs” expel their respective material into the aggregate hood for discharge via stockpiling conveyors, 最多创建三个聚合菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. Gates within the aggregate hood facilitate the recombining of any two adjacent or indeed all three aggregate products for common stockpiling or onward processing as required.  

For example, opening only the first door in the aggregate hood will allow the 40mm x 20mm fraction to mix with the 20mm x 10mm fraction, creating two aggregate products:

  • 40毫米× 20毫米和20毫米× 10毫米的混合
  • and the separate 10mm x 5mm.

只打开第二个门将允许20mm × 10mm与10mm × 5mm混合, again creating two products:

  • a 40mm x 20mm
  • 并将20mm × 10mm与10mm × 5mm混合.

打开两个门内的集料罩将允许所有三个尺寸混合, creating one aggregate product. 

上浆屏幕的底部, which captures the sand fractions, 是否可以划分为允许创建粗砂馏分和细砂馏分. A Fines Forward Slide is able to pre-blend a portion of raw fines into the coarse sand processing stream to help balance downstream equipment and optimize plant capacity. The Fines Forward Slide also allows the alteration of proportions of the fine and coarse decking areas above while preventing the loss of coarse material into the fines processing stream.  

Each sand fraction falls from the bottom deck of the sizing screen into a partitioned sump, 在那里,它与水混合,然后泵送到一对 Hydrocyclones, one for each fraction. Adjustable weirs within the sump allow the deliberate overflowing of silts either from the fine side to the coarse side or from either side to waste. 然后,水力旋流器从沙子中除去剩余的粉砂和粘土, 然后把每个分数放到一个分的 Dewatering Screen.

The Dewatering Screen removes excess moisture from the sand and discharges it to a pair of stockpiling conveyors. Final blending of one sand fraction into the other at the dewatering screen’s discharge chute permits the creation of a primary (all minus 5mm) sand product and a residual (whether it be coarse or fine) or secondary stream. 

Within the sand washing circuit, a configurable proportion of the combined Hydocyclone overflows is reutilized in order to minimize clean water consumption and ensure that each sand product is as clean, 但没有比规格要求更干净. 

How many products does it make?

UltraWASH可以生产多达三种清洁骨料和两种洗砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 如下图所示的容器. 



UltraWASH在几个方面不同于其他模块化洗涤设备. First, the width of the work platforms around the machine are larger than any other on the market, 这样维修机器就容易了. 其他模块化工厂的一些走道只有600毫米(23毫米).6”)  wide; the walkways on the UltraWASH start at 900mm (35.4”) and go up to 1.5m (4.9’) wide in some areas. You don’t have to step over or duck underneath anything; these wide platforms create an open area for maintenance activities.

Second, the aggregate hood can be moved back away from the sizing screen and replaced with a platform to allow for easy access to the screen for servicing. 通过解锁聚合罩底部的销子, 你可以把聚合引擎盖向后滑动,越过它后面的坚实平台. Safety chains extend with the aggregate hood to cover the gap left in its place until the solid platform is moved to cover it. 由聚合的引擎盖和坚实的平台本质上互换位置, 这留下了足够的空间来维修屏幕或遮光罩.

Third, our Eze-Riser simplifies pump maintenance by creating the necessary clearance between the discharge pipe and the pumps so that they can roll out onto the pump trolley system. 从要维修的泵上拆下排放管和吸入管的螺栓, then use the foot pedal of the Eze-Riser to lift the discharge pipe from the pump and hold it in place with the locking mechanism.  

Other maintenance features include an access door into the sump and lifting beams for pump pipe replacement. 水平入口确保在进入前能够完全排干/清理污水池.



UltraWASH有三种不同的型号:单洗、双洗和双砂. 然后为每个模型提供几种不同的尺寸.  

Single Wash

单洗模型可以产生多达三种骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和一种砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 进料被分级屏幕分割, 干净的骨料通过输送机进行分离和储存. 砂馏分与水在水槽中混合,并被泵送到一对水力旋流器, which remove the silts and clays before excess water is removed from the sand by the Dewatering Screen ahead of stockpiling. 

Double Wash

The double wash model is ideal for sand that is extra dirty and requires additional contaminant removal. The difference between the double wash and single wash model is the addition of a divided sump and secondary pump. 沙子与水在水池的一侧混合,并被泵送到一个大型水力旋流器, 泥沙和粘土的第一次清除在哪里受到影响. The product of this process is a partially cleaned sand that is discharged back to the other side of the divided sand sump, 从那里再次捡起并泵送到较小的地方, secondary Hydrocyclone for removal of the remaining silts and clays before being discharged onto a Dewatering Screen for excess water removal.

Twin Sand

双砂变体允许创建单独的粗砂和细砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. This model also includes a divided sump and two Hydrocyclones circuits and adds a divided dewatering screen. In the twin sand model, 浆纱机的底甲板是分开的, allowing the coarse sand fraction to fall into one side of the sump and the fine sand fraction to fall into the other side. The coarse and fine sands are then pumped separately to the Hydrocyclones for single pass removal of silts and clays, and the sand is discharged onto separate sides of the Dewatering Screen for excess water removal, 初级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全混合和单独储存.  

What are the power requirements?

The power requirements for the UltraWASH can vary depending the on the model and size of the machine. The chart below can give you an idea of the maximum power requirements needed for each model of the UltraWASH 5164 Series, 5165 Series and 6206 Series.



Yes, 水力旋流器的大小可以根据应用而定, more commonly, though, 它们将通过替换不同的顶点和涡流探测器来定制.



Yes. Depending on the model, the UltraWASH comes with up to three 9m x 650m static aggregate conveyors and up to two 12m x 650m radial sand conveyors.

Can I get a static feed conveyor?

UltraWASH标准选项配有静态进料输送机/料斗安排. 履带式饲料输送机,是在宝马展出是一个可选的升级,感谢一个 partnership between McLanahan and Anaconda Equipment. 这一升级提供了支持饲料输送机远离和容易降低它的能力: 

  • Easier access to the screen
  • Conveyor maintenance
  • Improved access to the feedbox 


取决于模型和变体, ultra - wash可以用全负100毫米的原料输送到400mtph左右. 

Additional Questions

如果您对这里没有列出的UltraWASH模块化洗涤设备有任何其他问题, please visit the product page, download the UltraWASH brochure or contact us for more information.  

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Tags: Washing & Classifying

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