
Read this blog to learn the best practices for maintaining your Sizer.

As with any type of processing equipment, maintenance is key to ensuring longevity and optimal performance of 单独.

浆料机是直接驱动的破碎机,包括两个旋转破碎轴. 这些机器的主要功能是将物料粉碎或研磨成所需的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸,以适应下游处理和制备工厂的工艺. 浆料可用于初级, 二次, 三级, fine-grinding and low-tonnage applications and can process a variety of materials, 比如铜, 黄金, 铁矿石, 镍, 煤炭和更多.

To ensure the best operation and lifespan of your Sizer, establish and follow a preventative maintenance schedule. 这种维护策略应该根据每个特定站点的需要来确定, 使用浆料机手册中的维护指南作为最低要求的基线. 取决于站点和应用程序, 一些推荐的检查和检查可能需要更频繁地执行.

请记住,任何成功的预防性维护计划的第一条规则是安全. Prior to maintaining any parts of a Sizer, be sure to recognize and follow all machine safety tags, 适当的锁定/标记/封锁程序和所有现场特定的安全要求.

第二条规则是一致性. Once you have developed a maintenance plan, be sure to follow it to a T.

The following is an example of recommended maintenance activities for 单独. 请记住,该列表并不详尽,仅应作为您创建自己的特定维护计划的指南.


润滑 is vital for continual trouble-free operation. 许多部件的故障可直接追溯到污染的润滑剂等因素, 不适当的润滑剂, 不适当的润滑剂 quantity and incorrect lubrication frequencies. 这些故障通常可以通过良好的管理和适当的润滑措施来预防, 如:

  • 密封所有油脂和储油容器,防止灰尘、沙砾和湿气污染
  • Thoroughly cleaning all grease and oil lines before installation
  • 在润滑之前,用干净的抹布擦拭所有配件,以防止污染物进入组件
  • Establishing a regular lubrication schedule and follow it faithfully
  • 提供足够的保护措施,以防止机器润滑油的流失,并包括对设备的定期目视检查, regardless of the number of mechanical safeguards provided

Some other tips to keep in mind regarding lubrication:

  • 电动机轴承不应过度润滑,也不应连接到润滑系统
  • Consult your local lubricant supplier for any special conditions, 比如极端的环境温度
  • 了解润滑脂枪每冲程的体积,以适当地润滑组件-如果这是未知的, 它可以通过将油脂泵入已知体积的小容器并计算填充容器所需的冲程数来确定
  • Know which components require manual lubrication

Daily maintenance (once per 12-hour shift)

  • 测试所有紧急停止开关
  • Inspect the machine for loose/missing covers or guards
  • 检查所有轴承是否过热
  • Inspect the reducers for oil leaks, excessive heat and excessive noise
  • 检查流体联轴器是否漏油、过热、噪音过大和部件松动
  • Inspect the motors for excessive heat and excessive noise
  • Inspect all lubrication and hydraulic hoses and fittings for leaks and damage
  • Inspect all instrumentation, electrical cables and connections for damage
  • Inspect the speed monitoring sensors for damage and verify correct operation


  • Inspect all bearing housing fasteners for tightness
  • Inspect all reducer, bell housing and motor fasteners for tightness
  • Clean electric motor cooling fins and fans
  • 清洁钟罩通风口
  • 清洁齿轮减速器壳体
  • Check desiccant breathers and replace as required
  • Listen for abnormal noises on breaker shaft drives, automatic lubrication unit and hydraulic power unit (HPU)
  • 如果您的浆料机配备了油调理系统,请擦拭油调理器的表面
  • 检查HPU的所有部件是否有泄漏和损坏,包括储液器、软管和钢瓶


  • 检查破碎机轴和破碎机杆是否磨损、损坏和松动、损坏或缺齿
  • Inspect the breaker shafts, breaker bar and liner scrapers for lodged material
  • Inspect liners for wear and inspect for missing liners
  • Inspect crushing segment fasteners and check for correct bolt tension
  • Inspect breaker bar fasteners and check for correct bolt tension
  • Wipe down the HPU, and clean internal surfaces of oils or dust
  • If your Sizer has an automatic lubrication system, inspect components and internals of cabinet for leaks, and wipe down and clean internal surfaces of excess grease and dust

Quarterly maintenance (1,800 working hours)

  • Inspect all fasteners for tightness, including wear plates and covers
  • Sample reducer gear oil and test for contaminants and oil breakdown
  • Inspect fluid coupling flexible element backlash and axial alignment
  • Inspect lifting lugs for damage and corrosion

Semi-annually maintenance (3,600 working hours)

  • Inspect gear coupling teeth for damage and corrosion
  • 如果您的浆料机配备了油调理系统,请擦拭油调理器的表面
  • 如果您的浆料机有自动润滑系统,清洗或更换泵出口过滤器

Annually maintenance (7,200 working hours)

  • Complete structural audit of the machine frame
  • Inspect all hydraulic cylinder rods for corrosion
  • Inspect machine frame for corrosion and damaged protective coatings
  • Inspect exposed metal surfaces in shafts or drive components for corrosion
  • 更换HPU中的液压油
  • 如果您的浆料机有自动润滑系统,清洗或更换油脂填充过滤器


一些尺寸机配备了牵引驱动器,使它们能够通过内置在支撑结构中的轨道从操作位置滚动到易于访问的维护位置. Keep these tips in mind before and during tramming:


  • Remove dust and dirt from the gear unit casings and motor fan cowl, but do not use solvents or direct high pressure water jets at the gear unit
  • Check for lubricant leaks from seals, plugs and casings
  • Lubricate the wheel bearings as per the labels
  • 根据需要拆卸滑槽和支撑部件,使机器能够移动到或离开操作位置或维护位置
  • Ensure personnel are clear of the machine prior to tramming
  • Ensure the locating pins are retracted prior to tramming


  • Check for abnormal noises and 振动s
  • Check power absorption and voltages against rated values on nameplates




Unusual noises coming from the drives should be investigated immediately. 异常的声音, 齿轮减速器的啮合或啮合噪声可能是轴承或齿轮啮合故障的指示. 应立即关闭设备,调查并解决问题.


The machine frame is protected by wear liners. 必须遵守适当的维护计划,以确保在磨损之前更换磨损衬套.


磨损板和衬垫安装在机器运行过程中结构部件与加工材料直接接触的地方. 磨损衬套和紧固件应按照维修计划进行检查.


作为破碎段, 齿和断钢帽磨损, 机器加工和给料尺寸达到设计要求的能力将会降低. 随着分段和破碎机棒帽磨损的增加,超径将开始增加. 如果分段, 通过额外的磨损板和/或硬面保护牙齿和帽免受磨损, ensure this is maintained to extend the life of the component. 应将磨损板和/或硬面重新应用到维修活动中.


To help facilitate maintenance strategies, consider adding a condition monitoring package to your Sizer. 状态监测包 是否可以安装在任何新的或现有的设备上,以提供更全面的机器健康状况. 这些定制的封装利用各种传感器来分析温度等条件, 振动, 电机电流, 和更多的.

How does condition monitoring benefit you in terms of maintenance?

首先,状态监测可以帮助在故障发生之前发现潜在的故障. 与此同时,你可以确保你的库存中有必要的备件或订购它们. 你也可以按照你的条件计划更换磨损部件,而不是对故障感到惊讶.

状态监控还允许您预测维护,以改进您的策略,而不仅仅是日历事件. You can determine whether maintenance windows need to be moved up or pushed back, depending on the condition of the machine.

In short, condition monitoring helps to reduce unexpected downtime.

By following a preventative maintenance plan involving daily, 每周, 每月, 季度, 半年度、年度检查, as well as ensuring proper lubrication of all applicable components, you can be sure your Sizer will operate at its best for a long time. 添加一个状态监控包可以进一步改善您的维护策略,提供一个全面的图片,您的尺寸的健康状况.

标签: 破碎, 如何, 维护


Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.